Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Humility Is

I want to start a series on my blog called "Humility Is" --- aka "Mortifying Moments that Make Me Want to Dig a Hole and Live in It Forever."

Being the really domestic wife that I am, I stopped by Potbelly's (classy) the other night to pick up some dinner (fancy) for the husband and I. It had been a long day at work, and we had to leave for small group about 5 minutes after I got home. So I assured my myself that sandwiches for dinner was OK.

I ordered the husband's sandwich, no problem. Then I ordered my sandwich, but let's face it: my order was a little complicated. For any of you who remember Meg Ryan's high-maintenance character in When Harry Met Sally, I am just like that...but I think only at Potbelly's (not really anywhere else so much, which I suppose is kinda weird).

Can I have half the slice of bread, not 1/3? Can I have a different kind of cheese? More pickles? Just a little "sprinkle" of lettuce? And please add the hot peppers but only a teeny-tiny-tiny bit cut in half because I can't handle too much spicy stuff? And can you put those peppers on only half of the sandwich? On and on. Here's the ridiculous part: I am only this bad when I'm ordering by myself (or with someone that I know already "judges" me b/c they've known me long enough, and we can all agree on the fact that I'm a piece of work). Except for the whole cut-up peppers on one-half of the sandwich part. It's important enough that I'd request that in front of anyone. Fear of man at its finest, people.

So after assuring the oh-so -very-patient sandwich maker that I did not, in fact, want all of these things "on the side" (unlike Sally!), I get up to the cashier only to realize that...I don't have any money! I frantically look through my purse again, thinking that if only I can find a 10 dollar bill, maybe I can bargain my way through this? HA! Apparently, it had been such a long day that I left my wallet at work. My jaw dropped. "Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my gosh, I don't have money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know what happened!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my gosh!! Really, this is the first time this has happened!" She was probably thinking, "Yeah right." The register lady just looked at me like I was crazy, wondering why I was still standing there saying, "Oh my gosh" over and over again. I had no choice but to hand over my very complicated sandwiches and walk away disappointed...and hungry....wanting to dig a deep hole and live in it forever.

How's that for a daily dose of humility! In his book Humility: True Greatness, C.J. Mahaney encourages the reader to "Laugh often, and laugh often at yourself." The Lord Jesus must really, really think that I need to learn some lessons in humility, because there are certainly many, many occassions in my daily life to embrace embarrassment. Why stay upset that I don't have what it takes to put a dinner together in 5 minutes, that I irresponsibly forgot my wallet at work, and have no means of paying for my dinky sandwiches while looking like a crazy OCD person at Potbelly's? Why stay upset when I can simply laugh at the situation as a means of God's grace to me? It is His kindness after all that I be reminded that I am indeed a very needy person in much need of God's help!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Wait Wait Wait What?!

I'm baaaccckkkkk! After a 14-month hiatus (woops), I have decided to woman-up and step back into the blogosphere!

In this blog, you can expect to read about things that make you go, "Wait wait wait, what?" Posts about new adventures, ridiculously laughable moments that make my life, ridiculously laughable moments that make me want to dig a hole and live in it forever, stuff I like, deep thoughts I ponder while riding the metro, cathartic entries I manage to compose during my lunch break, and other things that will probably make my dear husband shake his head (affectionately..!!) in wonderment.

Before moving forward, I feel the need to explain the title for my blog, Wait Wait Wait What:

-For one, "Wait What" was taken.

-Secondly, so was "Wait Wait What." Thus the "Wait Wait Wait What." Third time's a charm.

-Many dear friends have given me a hard time for following up on many conversations with, "Wait, what?" In fact, I was so well-known for saying this phrase that my first $700 car (1982 clunky Volvo station wagon, baby!) in high school had the license plate W8WHAT. Oh, how I loved that license plate. To this day, I am notorious for following-up others' comments with a wait-what. You see, I speak like I think: a million miles a minute. I wait-what to put on the breaks.

So there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. I plan to browse blog designs/layouts tonight. How exciting! It's like shopping for kitchen wall paint! See you very soon!

Wait wait wait whaaat?