Monday, May 9, 2011

Wait Wait Wait What?!

I'm baaaccckkkkk! After a 14-month hiatus (woops), I have decided to woman-up and step back into the blogosphere!

In this blog, you can expect to read about things that make you go, "Wait wait wait, what?" Posts about new adventures, ridiculously laughable moments that make my life, ridiculously laughable moments that make me want to dig a hole and live in it forever, stuff I like, deep thoughts I ponder while riding the metro, cathartic entries I manage to compose during my lunch break, and other things that will probably make my dear husband shake his head (affectionately..!!) in wonderment.

Before moving forward, I feel the need to explain the title for my blog, Wait Wait Wait What:

-For one, "Wait What" was taken.

-Secondly, so was "Wait Wait What." Thus the "Wait Wait Wait What." Third time's a charm.

-Many dear friends have given me a hard time for following up on many conversations with, "Wait, what?" In fact, I was so well-known for saying this phrase that my first $700 car (1982 clunky Volvo station wagon, baby!) in high school had the license plate W8WHAT. Oh, how I loved that license plate. To this day, I am notorious for following-up others' comments with a wait-what. You see, I speak like I think: a million miles a minute. I wait-what to put on the breaks.

So there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. I plan to browse blog designs/layouts tonight. How exciting! It's like shopping for kitchen wall paint! See you very soon!

Wait wait wait whaaat?


  1. Yah! So excited to read about adventures in the life of Sarah!!

  2. love the concept of your blog! i'm known for saying "really?" and even the occasional "wait what?" too.

    can't wait to read on. miss ya.

  3. For one, I HAD NO IDEA YOU HAD STARTED A BLOG!!! Well, it hasn't been too long anyway. So..YAY! :) Looking forward to keeping up with you through this!

    Second, my ultimate "wait what" moment remains:
    Hey look!!! It's Rana......Rara?!?!?!?....Wait whaaat?!?! RAAAAAAARE!!!! XD (cracks me up every time!)

    Much love!

    PS: Loved the parenting article you posted!
